BobaCat’s Eighth Pet Shelter Visit: Supporting Ankara Patiliköy

Boba Cat
2 min readMay 2, 2024



BobaCat is proud to announce our eighth pet shelter visit, which took place at Ankara Patiliköy Pet Shelter. This visit is part of our ongoing mission to leverage blockchain technology for tangible changes in animal welfare. Through these initiatives, we not only provide immediate aid but also build lasting partnerships with shelters globally.

A Journey of Compassion and Innovation

Nestled in the heart of Ankara, the Patiliköy Pet Shelter has become a sanctuary for over 850 dogs, thanks to the vision of its founder, Volkan Koç, and the dedication of countless volunteers. Since its inception in 2011, the shelter has expanded its reach and capabilities, embodying the ethos of compassion and resilience. BobaCat’s partnership with Patiliköy is a testament to what can be achieved when technology meets humanity.

Impact Through Innovation

This latest visit saw the BobaCat team delivering $10,000 worth of critical supplies including dog houses, blankets, food, medicine, and much-needed air conditioners, all funded by the innovative financial mechanisms of cryptocurrency. By imposing a 1% tax on each swap of the $PSPS token, BobaCat creates a continuous funding stream that directly translates into tangible aid for shelters.

More Than Just Donations

But the aid doesn’t stop at physical donations. BobaCat is committed to onboarding shelters into the world of crypto philanthropy, educating them on how to receive and manage donations in cryptocurrency. This empowerment allows shelters like Patiliköy to secure a sustainable future, independent of traditional financial systems and fluctuating economic conditions.

Voices from the Ground

“The support from BobaCat has revolutionized how we think about donations and community support,” says Tolga Özdemir, a key volunteer at Patiliköy. “With crypto, we are not just surviving; we are planning ahead, ensuring that these animals receive care all year round.”

Join the Movement

BobaCat invites everyone to be part of this transformative journey. By supporting BobaCat, you contribute to a global movement that not only saves lives but also introduces a new paradigm in charitable giving. Learn more and get involved at BobaCat’s website.

To see more about how BobaCat has impacted communities and shelters in the past, visit our: BobaCat Society page.


As BobaCat continues to visit and support pet shelters worldwide, it not only underscores the potential of cryptocurrencies to effect positive change but also sets a benchmark for how tech-driven companies can lead with heart and responsibility. Every pet shelter visit writes a new chapter of hope, and every contribution from the community turns another page towards a better future.

Together, we are not just changing the world of crypto; we are changing the world.

